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D300K 3+3SE Diesel Engine Welder


D300K 3+3SE Diesel Engine Welder

Subject to availability


  • DC CC 3kW
  • Fuel Efficient Industrial Diesel Engine
  • Pure DC Generator Welding Output
  • Description

    The pure DC generator with all copper coils provides excellent welding characteristics. The welder’s choice for pipeline welding and general construction work. Constant speed engine for instant arc starting. The Kubota D1503 (Tier 4) diesel engine provides reliable, efficient operation in even the toughest conditions.


    Current TypeDC
    Max Output300-399
    Weld OutputCC
    Welding ProcessesStick (SMAW)|DC TIG (DC GTAW)
    Customer favoritesNo
    DescriptionD300K 3+3SE Diesel Engine Welder
    Item numberMD300KSE
    Product nameD300K 3+3SE Diesel Engine Welder
    Staff favoritesNo


    Manufacturer Part Number: K3265-1
    Model Number: D300K 3+3 SE
    Processes: Stick (SMAW), DC TIG (DC GTAW)
    DC Amperage Range: 40 - 350 A
    Maximum OCV: 90
    Rated Output: 250 A at 30 VDC 100% duty cycle
    300 A at 32 VDC 60% duty cycle
    Auxiliary Power: 3,000 watts, 60 Hz, 20 amps with circuit breaker and GFCI receptacle
    Engine: Kubota D1503 Diesel EPA Tier 4
    Fuel Capacity: 16 gallons (60.6 L)
    Fuel Consumption: 0.4 GPH (1.3 LPH) @ high idle (1,800 RPM)
    Weight: 1,371 lb (622 kg)
    Dimensions: H: 45.5" (1156 mm) W: 24.3" (616 mm) L: 62.8" (1594 mm)

    Additional Features

    The D300K 3+3 SE is a heavy duty, diesel engine driven, DC arc welding power source, capable of providing constant current output for stick welding or DC TIG welding. This welder is wound with all copper coils, rated at 300 amps / 32 Volts, and provides other features such as improved door latches and stainless hinges. The D300K 3+3 SE has Diesel Engine Protection. In the event of sudden low oil pressure or high coolant temperature, the engine immediately shuts down. Available with a CV Wirefeed Module to provide excellent voltage control with semi-automatic wire electrode welding and other open-arc welding processes.

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